Sunday, June 10, 2012

Strawberry PVC tower

I have had some difficulties over the past two years growing strawbeery´s in my own garden. Not due to the quality of the plant itself but rather by the place I planted them...

This year... I tried something different. I have heard of hidroponic culture of strawberry but I found it expensive to implement... the solutions involved cost about 25€ and I really didn´t what to spend that much money... so I improvised using soil...

This is mine.... the results are obvious! :) I water them from the top about 1liter/ day and the plastic tray at the bottom get´s the excedent water... to reuse at the top... :)

Loved the result and will make some more next year

This is also a nice ideia... without hanging them... not so stable but nicer to the eyes...
I bet I can do this with some coloured flowers... :)